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Welcome toKing Offa Primary School

The school of choice

Whole School Overview

At King Offa Primary Academy, the children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum via a range of subjects. Our staff deliver a 'knowledge rich' curriculum where pupils learn skills and 'concepts' that are built upon progressively throughout the school.


Our curriculum is 'concept driven' and has been designed to be progressive and sequential. Children will continually develop and build upon their disciplinary skills and substantive knowledge, as they make their way through the school. We aim for all children to develop an understanding of key concepts. For example, within History, they learn about the concepts of 'Leadership', 'Cause and Consequence', 'Similarities and Differences', 'Civilisations' and 'Connections'.


Each year, the children will revisit these concepts through their different learning journeys. This allows the children to make progress and deepen their understanding of the key concepts by making connections to previous units of study. We have created a rich curriculum, which allows children to build on prior knowledge and foster a love of learning about the past, present and future of the world. With this in mind, the concepts focused on in Geography are 'Place' (environment), 'Space' (location) and 'Scale' (distance).


The curriculum has been designed in order to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the wider world and its people. In doing so, we look to promote the children's interests and understanding of Earth’s key physical and human processes, including places, people, resources and natural and human environments. In Science, children learn about the concepts of 'Cause and Effect', 'Similarities and Differences' 'Patterns' and 'Connections'.