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King Offa Primary Academy home page

Welcome toKing Offa Primary School

The school of choice

Fees and funding

Our Fees are:

  • 2 year olds £5.80 per hour
  • 3 years-4 years old £5.55 per hour

The nursery will invoice you at the end of every month and then you can pay via Arbor Pay (Details will be outlined within the nursery invoice documentation and all parents will be set up on Arbor systems upon enrollment)



There are two streams of funding available for childcare


Early Years Education Entitlement

All parents of three and four year-olds are entitled to government money for their child’s nursery education. This is known as the Early Years Education Entitlement (EYEE)

What does the EYEE pay for? It pays for up to five 3-hour education sessions a week at any EYEE registered pre-school provider. The EYEE is funded over three funding periods a year and covers 38 weeks. Some families will be entitled to 30hrs and 2-year funding.


We provide the 15 hour Early Years Entitlement over 3 days; 2 full days of 9am-3pm and 08:45am-11:45am or 1pm-4pm.


When can my child start to receive the EYEE?


A child is entitled to start receiving the EYEE from the start of the funding period after their 3rd birthday.

So long as your child is enrolled with us at the beginning of the funding period after they turn three you will be able to make your application. This is a short form called a ‘Parental Declaration’ which we will then send on to the EYEE team for you.


Tax Credit Scheme

You can make a claim for up to 80% of childcare costs under the Tax Credit Scheme. Whilst 9 our of 10 parents with children are entitled to this funding there are limits on the weekly costs you can claim. If you pay childcare for :


  • One child, the maximum you can claim is £175 a week
  • Two or more children, the maximum is £300 a week


The actual amount will depend on your income