Take a look at our learning...
Term 1 - Why do leaves go crispy?
This term we have been exploring the learning question 'Why do leaves go crispy?' - We have had so much exploring all things autumn and looking at just how the world around changes during this very special time of year.
The children have been very busy exploring the fields, collecting resources and engaging in lots of conversation.

Term 2 - How do astronauts travel through space?
What a fantastic time we have had in Term 2 within the nursery! We have been exploring all things space using a range of activities to extend the children's learning and knowledge. The children have enjoyed exploring planets and even going on a wild underpants hunt whilst re-telling the story 'Aliens Love Underpants!'.
The children in Beach Huts have worked amazingly as a team to paint a rocket, whilst the children in Sandcastles had a great time using different collage pieces to create an astronaut for our shared learning wall. Some of our favourite moments have been making our own slime, creating a space story tray and painting our very own aliens and planets!
During this term, Beach Huts also took part in the nativity alongside Reception classes - the children performed amazingly and it was lovely to see so many of our friends and family present.