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King Offa Primary Academy home page

Welcome toKing Offa Primary School

The school of choice



Our music lesson are taught by staff who follow a detailed scheme of learning based on developing their understanding of rhythm and melody whilst learning to sing using a carefully selected song suited to their age group. Children will also be using percussion instruments before moving on to produce their own piece of music. King Offa use a music platform called ‘Charanga’ which supports staff to teach with confidence.


Instrument lessons

Guitar, keyboard and violin lessons can be taken here at King Offa, all of which is arranged via a well-established music teacher and Create Music. Please do get in touch with them directly for further information and prices at



Children in key stage 2 have the opportunity to join a band, either singing or playing an instrument. Concerts are played for the school at intervals during the school year. Please contact Rocksteady for more information at