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Welcome toKing Offa Primary School

The school of choice


At King Offa Primary Academy, we follow the East Sussex Agreed Religious Education syllabus. The purpose of the syllabus is to ‘affirm the important contribution that Religious Education makes to the education of all pupils growing up in contemporary British society’. It seeks to contribute to a curriculum in schools which is expected to be balanced, broadly based and:

– Promotes the spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society.
– Prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


Each religion is explored through six key themes. These themes are:


  • Beliefs, Teachings, and Sources
  • Practices and Ways of Life
  • Expressing Meaning
  • Identity, Diversity and Belonging
  • Meaning, Purpose and Truth
  • Values and Commitments


Children are taught Religious Education (RE), once a week. In Key Stage 1, this is a thirty minute lesson building up to a one hour lesson in Year 6. During these lessons, pupils will take part in group and class discussions, learn facts about religions and complete art-work and written tasks.


Children are taught about six of the main religions. These are: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism. The religion of Christianity is a theme that is revisited in each year. The RE curriculum is designed so that pupils acquire knowledge through a well-planned, sequenced order. They make this progression by building on knowledge and understanding taught in previous year groups and the ‘Religious Education Knowledge Progression’ document illustrates the knowledge that will be learned in each year group.